Navigating Peak Shopping Season

How Horatio Supported a Leading D2C Brand Through BFCM

Sep 05 2024

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The client is a rapidly growing direct-to-consumer (D2C) brand specializing in personal care products. Known for their commitment to natural ingredients and sustainability, the brand has cultivated a dedicated customer base through its online channels. With a sharp rise in demand during BFCM, the client consistently experiences a surge in customer interactions, which requires efficient and scalable customer service solutions.


Sharp Rise in Demand During BFCM

During the BFCM events, the client faced an unprecedented spike in customer inquiries across multiple channels, including their direct-to-consumer website and their Amazon storefront. This introduced the dual challenge of scaling their support operations quickly enough to handle the surge on both platforms while ensuring consistent service quality. The complexity rose in balancing resources across these channels and maintaining fast response and resolution times. The client needed to meet this demand surge without compromising their reputation for high-quality customer service.

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Doubling Down on Strategy and Efficiency

A series of strategic measures were implemented to address the surge in customer inquiries during BFCM. Leveraging a deep understanding of the brand’s support framework, product offerings, and customer base, the team optimized workflows to handle the influx effectively. Resources were strategically reallocated to focus on key areas, ensuring that response times remained swift and resolutions efficient despite the volume spike.

The impact was notable, with performance measured against the average of the two previous weeks:

- First Response Time was maintained at an impressive 10 minutes, despite a 105% increase in incoming inquiries compared to the prior two-week average.

- Resolution Time improved by 12.46%, ensuring prompt resolutions even with the higher load.

- The number of closed tickets surged to 26.4K, representing a 12.80% increase versus the previous two-week average.

- Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) remained impressively steady at 4.64, despite the substantial surge in volume, reflecting consistent service quality even under pressure.


A Successful High Season

With Horatio’s support, the client successfully scaled their customer service operations in real-time, demonstrating remarkable operational agility during BFCM. In addition to managing the influx of inquiries from their primary online channels, Horatio's support enabled them to seamlessly oversee their Amazon storefront, adding another layer of complexity. Despite these challenges, they maintained an impressive First Response Time of 10 minutes, reflecting their ability to swiftly adjust resources across multiple platforms. Ticket resolution saw a 12.80% boost, proving that the client could scale effectively without sacrificing quality or overburdening their team. Customer Satisfaction remained stable at 4.64, highlighting the teams' ability to uphold their high service standards across all channels. Through our partnership, the client seamlessly managed the surge in demand while preserving the integrity of their customer support and driving growth across multiple platforms.


Resolution Time Improvement



Despite a 105% increase in volume, both resolution time and CSAT were improved significantly.

With Horatio's support, the client scaled customer service operations in real-time during BFCM, managing both online inquiries and their Amazon storefront without compromising quality.

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