Enhancing Customer Experience During BFCM

How Horatio Supported a Leading Apparel E-Commerce Brand

Sep 12 2024

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This fast-growing e-commerce brand specializes in premium basics for men. Known for its high-quality, affordable, and comfortable clothing, this company has carved out a loyal customer base. During the BFCM season, the company experiences a massive surge in customer inquiries, as thousands of shoppers flock to their site for limited-time offers and exclusive discounts. The company’s commitment to providing exceptional customer service is put to the test during this peak shopping period, where swift and efficient support is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction and ensuring smooth operations.


BFCM Spike in Ticket Volume

As BFCM approached, the client anticipated a significant spike in ticket volume, similar to previous years. They had struggled with worsened response times in the past, leading to frustrated customers and critical loss of sales. With the stakes high, they relied on Horatio to help them navigate this pivotal period.

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Applied Expertise for Business Success

A series of strategic measures were implemented to address the surge in customer inquiries during BFCM. Leveraging a deep understanding of the brand’s support framework, product offerings, and customer base, the team optimized workflows to handle the influx effectively. Resources were strategically reallocated to focus on key areas, ensuring that response. To tackle these challenges head-on, Horatio leveraged their expertise in managing high-volume customer service operations. By understanding the company’s existing support framework, brand tone, product offerings, and customer service standards, Horatio implemented strategic changes, including optimizing workflows and reallocating resources to ensure rapid response times. The results were outstanding:


Thriving During Peak Season

The client successfully navigated the BFCM rush, ensuring that every customer received timely and efficient support. The improvements in KPIs, including significantly faster response and resolution times, as well as a noticeable boost in customer satisfaction, highlight the effectiveness of Horatio’s approach.


Reduction in First Response Time



Despite a big increase in volume, resolution time, first response time, and CSAT were improved significantly. In fact, there was a boost in ticket resolution of 11.36%.

With Horatio's support, the client successfully navigated the BFCM rush, ensuring that every customer received timely and efficient support.

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